Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

Will Willimon

We speak with Rev. Dr. Will Willimon from Duke Divinity School in North Carolina. Will speaks with us about the surprising character of God, the concept of vocation and the hopeful reminder that Christian faith is about the future.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

A More Christ-like Way with Brad Jersak

Brad has written a number of books and has become a help to many “exvangelicals”. In a recent book he pointed out that perhaps the “crisis of faith” that many are so quick to mention in religious circles is not on the part of younger people who are walking away, but rather on the part of those who have handed down a faith that can so often be divisive, misogynistic, fearful and anti-gay.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

Growing Up Evangelical: Moms and Daughters

This episode is a bit of a different format as we bring together two moms and their daughters to talk about life, faith, and growing up in what would be considered conservative Christian homes. What was positive about it? What wasn’t helpful? There is much to be said about what it was like raising children within that framework and what it felt like growing up in it. We would suggest grabbing a cocktail, or a cup of tea, and probably some tissues as you listen.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

“These Spoons are Brutal”

Mid-April is a good time to release this episode of the Cupboard that was recorded on January 22nd, 2020. A hosts only episode in which we talk about helpful truths, terrible sorrow and some of the best most ridiculous things ever.

You can hear in our voices the “time before” the 2020 pandemic. How different do things sound already? You can hear pointed out the emptiness of the “prosperity gospel” that continues to be a blight upon the theological landscape in our time of pandemic and is beginning to directly cost lives.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

Sanctification Without Fear with Dr. Jeff and Susan McSwain

In evangelical circles, sanctification has often been more about self than it has been about God. As a theologian, Jeff outlines a healthier view of sanctification from the theology of Karl Barth (and from Christian Scripture). The concept is that as we are justified in Christ, so we are sanctified in Christ, not of our doing. This means that we are not better than anyone, not divided from anyone by our faith.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

That All Shall Be Saved with David Jennings

If you like your hell, that is, if you are convinced it is entirely un-Christian to believe in anything other than eternal damnation (Hart calls you an “infernalist”) then listen to this episode only if you are okay in engaging with thought and interpretation that is different than yours. Then again, you want people who don’t agree with you to listen to you sometimes.

If you have struggled with trying to reconcile a God of love, as shown in Jesus Christ, with the idea of eternal damnation for anyone at all, then listen expectantly.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

Entering a COVID Spring

As we traveled to record an episode of the Cupboard, we listened to our Prime Minister advise that “If you can stay home, stay home”. So maybe we won’t be gathering for some time. At least not in person.

We are in the midst of, at the beginning of, the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic…

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

Most People are Better than their Theology with David Goa

At the All Saints of North America Orthodox Monastery in Dewdney, BC we gather to speak with David Goa. David has said things to us like;

“My goal is to convert evangelicals to Jesus” and “Most people are better than their theology”.

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Amanda Mina Amanda Mina

Introduction to the Concept of Hopeful Gospel

The Cupboard welcomes Dr. Ross Lockhart from St.Andrew’s Hall, UBC. He has travelled the world, but keeps finding his way back to Ireland. Oh, and a note that is great for podcasting – Ross is perhaps the best dressed professor or minister in town.

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