Art + Faith with Makoto Fujimura
Photo Credit: Windrider Productions
The existence of the division and hatred in our world is undeniable. Religion is often enlisted to fuel this division and to fuel dehumanization. Many of us have longed for more beautiful, hopeful ways to envision the world, to relate to those with whom we disagree. This episode of Rector’s Cupboard invites us to consider the words and work of one person who is demonstrating a vision of hope and love.
Theology and art and spirituality and philosophy and ethics are often thought of as separate disciplines. In our actual lives, our spirituality, our beholding of beauty, and our desire to live well are experienced together. Artist (and theologian) Makoto Fujimura shows us in visual art, in writing, and in conversation some of what matters most in life. He places before us the call to reflect the image of God in living out a “theology of making”.
Is it possible that Christian faith might be considered beautiful? While so much ugliness has existed in bad religion or distorted theology, the call of goodness and beauty and truth remains. People like Makoto Fujimura help us to hear that call.