Church is Different Now with Elle Pyke

The image of a new leaf implies new season, new hope. Elle Pyke, Director of Programs and Innovation at New Leaf Network, helps to navigate people and organizations through some of the significant changes in what it means to be a church with a particular Canadian focus.

You may feel a sense of longing for a time of apparent certainty in what church looked like. Conversely, you may be glad that things as they were have come apart.

Rector’s Cupboard host, Allison Williams and guest Elle Pyke speak about reasons for hope in a time of change.

For more information about New Leaf, the work they do and upcoming events, check out their website


Books referenced:

The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters by Priya Parker

Leaving Christianity: Changing Allegiances in Canada by Brian Clarke and Stuart Macdonald


Vocation, Spirituality and Design with J Alkana


Christmas Special